
De Broglie Wavelength of Particle Calculator

The de Broglie wavelength describes a concept in quantum mechanics that assigns a wave-like nature to all matter. It is a critical concept in the field of Physics, particularly quantum mechanics and wave-particle duality. This tutorial will help you understand the de Broglie wavelength and how to calculate it using specific parameters.

De Broglie Wavelength of Particle Calculator
De Broglie Wavelength of Particle Calculator Results
Wave Length = m

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Example Formula

The de Broglie wavelength (λ) can be calculated using Planck's constant (h), the mass of the particle (m), and the velocity of the particle (v) with the following formula:

λ = h / (m × v)


  1. λ: De Broglie wavelength (in meters)
  2. h: Planck's constant (approximately 6.62607015 × 10-34 m2kg/s)
  3. m: Mass of the particle (in kg)
  4. v: Velocity of the particle (in m/s)

Who wrote/refined the formula

This formula was introduced by Louis de Broglie in his 1924 PhD thesis, where he proposed that all matter has wave-like properties, a concept now known as wave-particle duality. This idea was a significant contribution to the field of quantum mechanics.

Real Life Application

De Broglie's hypothesis has wide-ranging implications in physics and engineering. For example, it forms the basis of electron microscopy. By using the wave-like properties of electrons (predicted by the de Broglie equation) to create images, electron microscopes can achieve much higher resolution than optical microscopes.

Key individuals in the discipline

Louis de Broglie made significant contributions to quantum mechanics with his hypothesis of wave-particle duality. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1929 for this work. Other significant individuals include Max Planck and Albert Einstein, both of whom made essential contributions to our understanding of quantum phenomena.

Interesting Facts

  • The concept of wave-particle duality, which arises from de Broglie's hypothesis, is one of the cornerstones of quantum mechanics and has radically altered our understanding of the physical world.
  • De Broglie's ideas led to the development of quantum mechanics, which has made possible technologies such as lasers, semiconductors, and MRI scanners.
  • Louis de Broglie was initially hesitant to present his ideas, as they contradicted common scientific understanding at the time. He was encouraged to do so by his doctoral advisor.


Understanding the de Broglie wavelength and its calculation is crucial in quantum mechanics. It helps us understand the wave-particle duality of matter, which is fundamental to our understanding of the micro world. The development of technologies like electron microscopy demonstrates the importance of these concepts in both theoretical and practical applications.

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