
Calibration Tubing Calculator

This tutorial delves into the concept of calibration tubing, a topic relevant to the fields of Physics and Engineering, particularly within fluid dynamics and instrumentation. Calibration tubing involves the use of standard tubes with known dimensions and properties to calibrate measuring instruments and devices, ensuring accuracy in various scientific and industrial applications.

Volume Infusion Calculator
Calibration Tubing Calculator Results
Volume Infusion with Calibrated Tubing = (ggts/mL)

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Example Formula

The specific formulae involved in calibration tubing depend on the type of calibration being performed. For instance, in flow rate calibration, which is a common use case for calibration tubing, the formula used might be the Poiseuille's Law:

Q = (π × P × r4) / (8 × η × l)


  1. Q: The flow rate of the fluid.
  2. P: The pressure difference between the two ends of the tube.
  3. r: The radius of the tube.
  4. η: The dynamic viscosity of the fluid.
  5. l: The length of the tube.

Who Wrote/Refined the Formula

French physicist Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille developed Poiseuille's Law in the 19th century. This principle is central to fluid dynamics, a branch of physics, and has practical implications in engineering, particularly in hydraulic systems, pipelining, and health sciences, where it applies to blood flow in the human body.

Real Life Application

Calibration tubing is commonly used in the medical field, especially for equipment like blood pressure monitors and intravenous fluid delivery systems. For instance, to ensure an IV delivers fluids at the correct rate, the system is calibrated using tubes of known dimensions, and Poiseuille's Law may be applied to determine the flow rate accurately.

Key Individuals in the Discipline

Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille, born in 1797, made significant contributions to the field of fluid dynamics. His work forms the basis for our understanding of fluid flow through tubes, which is central to numerous applications in physics, engineering, and medicine.

Interesting Facts

  1. Calibration tubing is also critical in the oil and gas industry, where it helps in measuring the rate of fluid flow accurately, thereby ensuring efficiency and safety in operations.
  2. Poiseuille's Law, though first established for idealized conditions, has had far-reaching impacts on various fields, including cardiovascular medicine, where it helps understand blood flow mechanics.
  3. The concept of calibration tubing and the associated calculations have played a pivotal role in the development of precise medical equipment, contributing to improved healthcare outcomes.


The concept of calibration tubing and the related physics principles, such as Poiseuille's Law, have broad-ranging applications across different fields. Understanding these principles allows for better instrumentation accuracy, leading to advancements in numerous scientific and industrial domains.

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