
Edwin Hubble

This image shows the physists Edwin Hubble, a renowned scientist who advanced the world of phyics. Edwin Hubble Biography

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About Edwin Hubble

Edwin Powell Hubble was born on November 20, 1889, in Marshfield, Missouri, United States, and died on September 28, 1953, in San Marino, California. Hubble was known for his passion for astronomy from a young age, despite initially following his father's wish to study law at the University of Chicago and later at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. After practicing law briefly in Kentucky, he soon turned his full attention to astronomy.

Hubble worked for the majority of his career at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California, where he made several of his groundbreaking discoveries. His passion for astronomy was fueled by the mystery and grandeur of the universe, and he devoted his life to unraveling its secrets.

Edwin Hubble's Discoveries

Hubble is best known for his pivotal work in extragalactic astronomy and observational cosmology. He made the landmark discovery that the universe is expanding, completely transforming our understanding of the cosmos. His observations of redshifts in the light emissions from galaxies led him to propose what is now known as Hubble's Law.

Like many scientists, Hubble faced numerous challenges, such as the technological limitations of telescopes during his time. However, his determination and innovative observational techniques allowed him to make significant discoveries that have greatly influenced modern astronomy.

Edwin Hubble's Key Achievements

Hubble's most significant achievement is the discovery of the expanding universe, which served as a key foundation for the Big Bang Theory. He also established a classification system for galaxies, known as the Hubble sequence, which is still in use today. Additionally, Hubble was the first to prove that galaxies exist outside the Milky Way, dramatically expanding our conception of the universe.

Edwin Hubble's Formulas

Hubble's Law, the principle that the speed at which galaxies recede from the observer is directly proportional to their distance, can be expressed as:

v = H0 × d


  1. v: The recessional velocity of the galaxy, which can be determined by observing the redshift of its spectral lines.
  2. H0: Hubble's constant, representing the rate of expansion of the universe.
  3. d: The distance to the galaxy.

Edwin Hubble Tutorials and Calculators

The following tutorials and calculators are influenced by the work the great physicist Edwin Hubble, each calculator contains a tutorial that explains Edwin Hubble in the field