
Albert Einstein: Income Tax

The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.. A quote from the famous Physicist Albert Einstein

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Albert Einstein has a fascinating scientific mind, have you read the biography for Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein had a complex history with taxes. In 1896, when he was still a student, Einstein renounced his German citizenship to avoid mandatory military service. As a result, he lost his eligibility for financial support from his father and had to support himself financially. To make ends meet, he took various teaching and tutoring jobs.

Later, Einstein became a Swiss citizen and worked as a professor at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich. During this time, he earned a modest salary and paid his taxes diligently. However, in 1914, when World War I broke out, Einstein took a position at the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin. He retained his Swiss citizenship and kept his residence in Zurich, but he also became a resident of Germany for tax purposes. This dual residency created some complexities in his tax affairs.

In 1933, when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power in Germany, Einstein, who was of Jewish heritage, left the country and emigrated to the United States. He accepted a position at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. Einstein became a U.S. resident and was subject to U.S. income tax laws.

Einstein was committed to fulfilling his tax obligations and paid his taxes in both Germany and the United States. However, his financial situation became more complicated as his income and fame grew. To manage his affairs, he sought the help of tax advisors and accountants.

It is worth noting that in 1952, Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel. He declined the offer, stating that he lacked the necessary skills and experience for the role, and he preferred to continue his scientific work.

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