
Physics Lesson 20.4.6 - More on Nuclear Fission. Nuclear Energy and Its Use

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Welcome to our Physics lesson on More on Nuclear Fission. Nuclear Energy and Its Use, this is the sixth lesson of our suite of physics lessons covering the topic of Nuclear Reactions, you can find links to the other lessons within this tutorial and access additional physics learning resources below this lesson.

More on Nuclear Fission. Nuclear Energy and Its Use

Earlier, we saw that some heavy nuclei split in two lighter nuclei after the capture of a slow neutron. This occurs because the parent nuclei acquire more energy than needed and as a result, they becomes excited. This is not a stable state, so the parent nuclei split to release this surplus of energy. During this process, at least two neutrons are also released for each single process. They have a high kinetic energy produced because the energy contained in the parent nucleus is higher than the total energy of daughter nuclei. This kinetic energy eventually turns into heat during particles deceleration when encountering a dense material on their way. In this way, nuclear reactions are used for obtaining heat energy, which eventually converts into other forms of energy such as electricity in nuclear power plants, thermal and chemical energy in nuclear bombs etc.

Obviously, there is a very large number of uranium nuclei participating in the process, so the energy obtained is very large. Therefore, the reaction must be controllable, otherwise it gets out of control and severe accidents may occur because of explosions arising when the energy delivered is higher than needed. The avalanche effect we explained earlier occurring when one neutron gives two new neutrons, two neutrons give four other neutrons and so on, must therefore be controllable to avoid troubles. The following conditions must meet in order to make this process take place safely:

  1. The fast neutrons must not go far from the region in which there are the divisible uranium nuclei;
  2. The fast neutrons must slow down as much as to be easy capturable by uranium nuclei; and
  3. Even when they are in the region containing uranium nuclei, neutrons must avoid being captured by nuclei other than uranium.

There is a certain probability that the neutrons produced in the first stage of nuclear fission become effective "shells" to be used in new fission processes. If at least one new neutron is ensured from such a process, then it continues without the need for other neutrons coming from an external source.

If the number N2 of new neutrons produced during the nuclear fission is smaller than the number N1 of shell neutrons coming from the source to hit the uranium nuclei, then the process is not sustainable and it fades with time. In other words, if

N2/N1 <1

then the process is not sustainable.

If the number N2 of new neutrons produced during the nuclear fission is equal the number N1 of shell neutrons coming from the source to hit the uranium nuclei, the system is known as critical and the process continues at a constant and controllable rate. In other words, if

N2/N1 = 1

then the process is sustainable and it takes place at constant rate.

If the number N2 of new neutrons produced during the nuclear fission is greater than the number N1 of shell neutrons coming from the source to hit the uranium nuclei, the system is known as supercritical and the process continues at an increasing and not controllable rate. In other words, if

N2/N1 >1

then the process is not controllable despite the system is sustainable.

Controllable processes are better as we always are aware of the parameters involved in the process. This makes possible using the energy produced during the process in a practical way because the process can be stopped at any instant in case of needs fulfillment. A controllable and sustainable process of nuclear fission is known as chain process as explained earlier. The first controllable chain nuclear process was realized by Enrico Fermi in 1942.

There are a number of factors affecting the progress of a chain nuclear reaction such as temperature, type of reaction, as well as the amount of matter involved in the process. The geometrical shape of environment in which the reaction occurs also plays a role in this regard. However, the most relevant factor is the minimum mass of matter involved in the nuclear reaction, below which the reaction cannot occur. This minimum mass is known as the critical mass of nuclear reaction. Operating with values very close to critical mass is very important when nuclear reaction is involved, as this makes possible stopping the process very easily in case of anomalies. In addition, the self-activation of an uncontrollable (spontaneous) chain nuclear reaction is less likely to occur when working with such minimum amounts of nuclear material.

You have reached the end of Physics lesson 20.4.6 More on Nuclear Fission. Nuclear Energy and Its Use. There are 11 lessons in this physics tutorial covering Nuclear Reactions, you can access all the lessons from this tutorial below.

More Nuclear Reactions Lessons and Learning Resources

Nuclear Physics Learning Material
Tutorial IDPhysics Tutorial TitleTutorialVideo
20.4Nuclear Reactions
Lesson IDPhysics Lesson TitleLessonVideo
20.4.1What are Nuclear Reactions?
20.4.2Nuclear Fission
20.4.3Nuclear Fusion
20.4.4Neutron Capture
20.4.5Nuclear Reaction Occurring Spontaneously. Radioactive Families
20.4.6More on Nuclear Fission. Nuclear Energy and Its Use
20.4.7Nuclear Power Plants and Energy Production
20.4.8Nuclear Bombs
20.4.9Thermonuclear Reactions and their Use in Technology
20.4.10Application in Practice of Nuclear Fusion Reactions
20.4.11Penetration of Nuclear Radiation in Matter and the Harm Caused by Radiation

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Enjoy the "More on Nuclear Fission. Nuclear Energy and Its Use" physics lesson? People who liked the "Nuclear Reactions lesson found the following resources useful:

  1. Energy Feedback. Helps other - Leave a rating for this energy (see below)
  2. Nuclear Physics Physics tutorial: Nuclear Reactions. Read the Nuclear Reactions physics tutorial and build your physics knowledge of Nuclear Physics
  3. Nuclear Physics Revision Notes: Nuclear Reactions. Print the notes so you can revise the key points covered in the physics tutorial for Nuclear Reactions
  4. Nuclear Physics Practice Questions: Nuclear Reactions. Test and improve your knowledge of Nuclear Reactions with example questins and answers
  5. Check your calculations for Nuclear Physics questions with our excellent Nuclear Physics calculators which contain full equations and calculations clearly displayed line by line. See the Nuclear Physics Calculators by iCalculator™ below.
  6. Continuing learning nuclear physics - read our next physics tutorial: Atomic Nucleus and Its Structural Properties

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