
Physics Lesson 21.2.6 - Strangeness

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Welcome to our Physics lesson on Strangeness, this is the sixth lesson of our suite of physics lessons covering the topic of Particles and Antiparticles - Interaction and Laws of Conservation, you can find links to the other lessons within this tutorial and access additional physics learning resources below this lesson.


The experimental data found during the second half of the last century enriched the world of elementary particles with new ones. Some of them didn't need to have known in the explanation of theory the structure of matter and fields or the known interactions involved. For this reason, scientists names these elementary particles "strange". The distinctive feature of such particles is their generation in pairs. For example, Σ-hyperon is produced together with K-mesons (K+, K-, K0) otherwise known as kaons. This generation is pairs is similar to those of electron-antineutrino or positron-neutrino pairs. Like all the other particles that are produced in pairs, the strange particles have a specific charge associated with, the law of conservation of which, allows us to determine whether a specific reaction involving such particles can occur or not. This new type of charge is known as Strangeness, S.

Nucleons, muons and π-mesons do not manifest any strange behavior or property. Therefore their strangeness is S = 0. On the other hand, two strange elementary particles that belong to the same pair have their strangeness equal and opposite. In this way, the algebraic sum of strangeness before and after the reaction takes place must be the same. Thus, the Λ0, Σ+, Σ- and Σ0 hyperons have S = -1 whereas their corresponding accompanying particles K0 and K+ have S = +1. The corresponding antiparticles of elementary particles mentioned above, have an opposite strangeness. Thus, Λ0, Σ+, Σ-, Σ0 have S = +1 while K0 and K- have S = -1.

The law of strangeness conservation is applicable only in strong interaction; it is not applied in weak interaction observed during radioactive decay processes.

Example 3

Which of the following reactions can occur based on the law of strangeness conservation?

Part a

μ- → e- + νe + νμ

Part b

p + π- → p + K-

Solution 3

  1. Muons do don manifest any strange behavior, so S(μ-) = 0. This is also true for all particles that are obtained as products of μ- decomposition. Hence, we have
    μ- → e- + νe + νμ
    0 → 0 + 0 + 0
    Hence, the reaction is possible due to the law of conservation of strangeness.
  2. Neither π-meson nor proton do manifest any strange behavior. On the other hand, the strangeness of K- kaon is S = -1. Therefore, we have
    p + π- → p + K-
    0 + 0 → 0 + (-1)
    0 → -1

It is clear that the strangeness is not conserved as the values in both sides are different. Hence, this reaction cannot occur.

You have reached the end of Physics lesson 21.2.6 Strangeness. There are 6 lessons in this physics tutorial covering Particles and Antiparticles - Interaction and Laws of Conservation, you can access all the lessons from this tutorial below.

More Particles and Antiparticles - Interaction and Laws of Conservation Lessons and Learning Resources

Elementary Particles Learning Material
Tutorial IDPhysics Tutorial TitleTutorialVideo
21.2Particles and Antiparticles - Interaction and Laws of Conservation
Lesson IDPhysics Lesson TitleLessonVideo
21.2.1Mesons and Anti-mesons
21.2.2Proton and Antiproton
21.2.3Neutron and Antineutron
21.2.4Neutrino and Antineutrino
21.2.5Elementary Particles and Laws of Conservation

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  1. Strangeness Feedback. Helps other - Leave a rating for this strangeness (see below)
  2. Elementary Particles Physics tutorial: Particles and Antiparticles - Interaction and Laws of Conservation. Read the Particles and Antiparticles - Interaction and Laws of Conservation physics tutorial and build your physics knowledge of Elementary Particles
  3. Elementary Particles Revision Notes: Particles and Antiparticles - Interaction and Laws of Conservation. Print the notes so you can revise the key points covered in the physics tutorial for Particles and Antiparticles - Interaction and Laws of Conservation
  4. Elementary Particles Practice Questions: Particles and Antiparticles - Interaction and Laws of Conservation. Test and improve your knowledge of Particles and Antiparticles - Interaction and Laws of Conservation with example questins and answers
  5. Check your calculations for Elementary Particles questions with our excellent Elementary Particles calculators which contain full equations and calculations clearly displayed line by line. See the Elementary Particles Calculators by iCalculator™ below.
  6. Continuing learning elementary particles - read our next physics tutorial: Classification of Elementary Particles. Quarks and Charm

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