The following physics revision questions are provided in support of the physics tutorial on Diffraction of Waves. In addition to this tutorial, we also provide revision notes, a video tutorial, revision questions on this page (which allow you to check your understanding of the topic) and calculators which provide full, step by step calculations for each of the formula in the Diffraction of Waves tutorials. The Diffraction of Waves calculators are particularly useful for ensuring your step-by-step calculations are correct as well as ensuring your final result is accurate.
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Tutorial ID | Title | Tutorial | Video Tutorial | Revision Notes | Revision Questions | |
11.7 | Diffraction of Waves |
1. Straight parallel water waves of 80 cm distance from each other pass through four openings of different size. In which opening does not occur any noticeable diffraction?
Correct Answer: D
2. A number of straight and parallel water waves are shown in the figure below.
The distance between every two crests is 6 cm. After passing through two small gaps that are 30 cm away from each other, water diffracts and circular wavefronts are produced.
Calculate the wave speed if the time needed for the interference to produce is 10 s.
Correct Answer: B
3. How many simultaneous sound wavefronts of frequency equal to 800 Hz are produced when sound passes through a 85 cm wide door?
Correct Answer: C
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