
Polarization of Light Revision Notes

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12.6Polarization of Light

In these revision notes for Polarization of Light, we cover the following key points:

  • How do we see objects and their colours?
  • What is polarization of light?
  • What device do we use to produce polarization?
  • How many types of polarization do we have?
  • Which are the two types of linear polarization? What are their features?
  • How many types of polarizers are there? What are their features?
  • What does the Malus Law say on polarization of light?

Polarization of Light Revision Notes

Light waves corresponding to the object's colour comes to our eyes through reflection. Only the light colour representing the colour of objects is reflected to our eyes; the object absorbs the other colours of the (white) sunlight. This is how we see the objects around us.

An object appears black when it absorbs all the colours of the spectrum of

visible light falling upon it. A black object reflects no light. On the other hand, if an

object reflects all the incident light colours falling, it appears white, as white objects absorb none of the colours of the EM spectrum.

Polarization of light is the restriction of the electric vector oscillation in a single direction (or in simpler words, the restriction of the light wave in a single plane).

This means all the other directions of light oscillation are eliminated except one.

Polarizers are transparent objects that allow specific parts of light waves to pass through.

There are three types of light polarization: linear, circular and elliptic.

In linear polarization, the electric field is confined to a single plane. This means we obtain a 2-D wave from the original 3-D one.

In circular polarization, the incident waves still have a 900 oscillating direction between them. However, unlike in linear polarization, these incident waves have a phase shift of π/2 between them. As a result, they form a circular polarized wave pattern.

Elliptic polarization occurs in two conditions:

  • when the amplitudes of the incident waves are not equal, or
  • when the angle between the oscillation direction (i.e. of electric vector) of the two incident waves is not 900.

Among the infinity number of possible linear polarization states, two of them are the most important for reflection and transmission (refraction). The first is called the p-polarization and the later as the s-polarization.

The p-polarization occurs when polarized light has an electric field vector parallel to the plane of incidence. On the other hand, the s-polarization occurs when the electric field vector of the polarized light is perpendicular to the plane of incidence.

There are three types of polarizers available: reflective, dichroic and birefringent.

Reflective polarizers provide polarization of the desired light while reflecting (blocking) the rest. Wire grid polarizers are an example of reflective polarizers.

Dichroic polarizers absorb a specific polarization of light, transmitting the rest. Modern nanoparticle polarizers are examples of dichroic polarizers.

Birefringent polarizers operating principle is based on the refractive index of light. Given that different polarizations diffract at different angles, this property is used to choose specific polarizations of light.

Microscopy uses birefringent polarization, as it is very sensible to slight changes of light intensity caused by the elimination of a certain number of electric vectors depending on the situation.

To describe the relationship between polarized light I, unpolarised light I0 and the angle θ between the incident linear polarization and the polarization axis, we use the so-called Malus Law:

î = I0 × cos2 θ

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  1. Revision Notes Feedback. Helps other - Leave a rating for this revision notes (see below)
  2. Optics Physics tutorial: Polarization of Light. Read the Polarization of Light physics tutorial and build your physics knowledge of Optics
  3. Optics Practice Questions: Polarization of Light. Test and improve your knowledge of Polarization of Light with example questins and answers
  4. Check your calculations for Optics questions with our excellent Optics calculators which contain full equations and calculations clearly displayed line by line. See the Optics Calculators by iCalculator™ below.
  5. Continuing learning optics - read our next physics tutorial: The Doppler Effect

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