
Maximum Height Projectile Calculator

This tutorial introduces the concept of the maximum height reached by a projectile, a fundamental aspect of classical mechanics, a discipline of physics. The maximum height is a significant factor in the trajectory of a projectile and is determined by factors such as the initial velocity of the projectile and the angle at which it is launched.

Maximum Height Reached in Projectile Calculator
Maximum Height Projectile Calculator Results
Maximum Height Reached (H) = m

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Example Formula

The formula to calculate the maximum height reached by a projectile is derived from the basic equations of motion. It is:

H = (v02 × sin2θ) / 2g


  1. H: Maximum height reached by the projectile
  2. v0: Initial velocity of the projectile
  3. sin2θ: The square of the sine of the launch angle
  4. g: Acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s2 on the surface of the Earth)

Who wrote/refined the formula

This formula is derived from basic principles of classical mechanics, a field of physics that has been studied and refined by many great scientists over the centuries. It is not attributed to a specific individual but is instead a result of collective contributions to the field of physics, notably by Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei.

Real Life Application

Knowledge of the maximum height of a projectile has practical applications in various fields. For instance, in sports such as basketball or soccer, athletes intuitively calculate the angle and force necessary to make a successful shot or pass. In the field of civil and military engineering, understanding the maximum height of projectiles is crucial when considering the design of ballistic missiles or the trajectory of water from a fountain.

Key individuals in the discipline

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) and Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) are two pivotal figures in the discipline of classical mechanics. Newton's laws of motion laid the foundation of mechanics, and Galileo's work on the motion of projectiles was groundbreaking. They provided the understanding of how objects move under various forces, which includes the movement of projectiles.

Interesting Facts

  1. Calculating the maximum height of a projectile is not only important on Earth, but also in space missions where the concept is used to determine the trajectory of rockets and spacecraft.
  2. The application of projectile motion principles led to the development of early firearms and artillery, dramatically changing warfare and human history.
  3. The discipline of classical mechanics, including the study of projectile motion, has been instrumental in the development of modern physics, paving the way for fields like relativity and quantum mechanics.


Understanding how to calculate the maximum height reached by a projectile is a vital aspect of physics, specifically classical mechanics. It has wide-ranging applications in various fields, from sports and engineering to space exploration. This fundamental knowledge has not only shaped our understanding of motion but also influenced numerous technological advancements in our society.

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