
LC Resonance Calculator

LC Resonance refers to the phenomenon in an electric circuit where the Inductive Reactance (L) and Capacitive Reactance (C) are equal, thereby allowing maximum current to flow. This occurrence is crucial in the fields of Physics and Electrical Engineering, especially when dealing with oscillatory systems and radio frequency applications.

RLC Circuit Frequency Calculator
LC Resonance Calculator Results
Resonant Frequency =
Resonant Frequency = Radians
Damping factor (Series) =
Damping factor (Parallel) =
Bandwidth in Frequency =
Bandwidth in Radians = Radians
Attenuation (Series) = dB
Attenuation (Parallel) = dB
Quality factor in Series =
Quality factor in Parallel =

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Example Formula

The formula for the resonant frequency in an LC circuit is given by:

f = 1 / (2π√(LC))


  1. f is the resonant frequency.
  2. L is the inductance of the coil in Henrys.
  3. C is the capacitance of the capacitor in Farads.

Who wrote/refined the formula

While the concept of LC resonance is fundamental to physics and engineering, its comprehensive understanding and application evolved over time with the contributions of many scientists and engineers. Oliver Heaviside, a self-taught English electrical engineer, is known for his work to refine Maxwell's equations, including the concept of inductance, which directly relates to the LC resonance phenomenon.

Real Life Application

LC resonance is frequently used in tuning and signal processing circuits. For instance, in radio receivers, LC circuits are utilized to tune into specific frequencies. Similarly, they are also used in the oscillatory circuits of devices like metal detectors and wireless charging systems.

Key individuals in the discipline

One of the key individuals in this field is Heinrich Hertz. He conducted numerous experiments with oscillating electric circuits, which are vital to our current understanding of LC resonance. Another influential figure is Oliver Heaviside, who did significant work on Maxwell's equations, thereby laying the groundwork for LC circuit analysis.

Interesting Facts

  1. The principles of LC resonance are widely used in telecommunications and broadcasting. Every time you tune a radio, you're adjusting an LC circuit!
  2. The formula for LC resonance is a result of the balance between the energy stored in the electric field of the capacitor and the energy stored in the magnetic field of the inductor.
  3. By understanding and controlling LC resonance, scientists have made advancements in various fields such as communications, electronics, and medical technology.


LC resonance is a crucial concept in electrical engineering and physics. It underpins many modern technological devices and systems, from broadcasting to telecommunications and beyond. A deep understanding of LC resonance allows scientists and engineers to continue innovating and pushing the boundaries of technology.

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