
Energy of Photon Calculator

The Energy of Photon Calculator will calculate the:

  1. Energy of photon when its frequency is known
  2. Energy of photon when its wavelength is known

Calculation Parameters: Medium of propagation is assumed as vacuum

Energy of Photon Calculator
Energy of Photon Calculator Results (detailed calculations and formula below)
The energy of photon as a function of frequency (E(f)) is J [Joule]
The energy of photon as a function of wavelength (E(λ)) is J [Joule]
Energy of photon as a function of frequency (E(f)) calculation
E(f) = h ∙ f
E(f) =
E(f) =
Energy of photon as a function of wavelength (E(λ)) calculation
E(λ) = h ∙ c/λ
E(λ) = /
E(λ) = /λ
E(λ) =
Energy Of Photons Calculator Input Values
Frequency of EM radiation (f) Hz [Hertz]
Wavelength of EM radiation (λ) m [metre]
Planck's constant (h) J · s [Joule per second]
Light speed (c) m/s [metre per second]

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Discover Physics with free Physics Revision Notes and Physics Calculator: Energy Of Photons. This image shows the properties and energy of photons formula for the Energy Of Photons. The Energy of Photon Calculator will calculate the energy of photon when its frequency is known and when its wavelength is known.

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Energy of photon as a function of frequency (E(f)) Formula and Calculation

How to calculate the energy of photon when its frequency is known:

E(f) = h ∙ f

Energy of photon as a function of wavelength (E(λ)) Formula and Calculation

How to calculate the energy of photon when its wavelength is known:

E(λ) = h ∙ c/λ

Modern Physics Physics Tutorials associated with the Energy Of Photons Calculator

The following Physics tutorials are provided within the Modern Physics section of our Free Physics Tutorials. Each Modern Physics tutorial includes detailed Modern Physics formula and example of how to calculate and resolve specific Modern Physics questions and problems. At the end of each Modern Physics tutorial you will find Modern Physics revision questions with a hidden answer that reveals when clicked. This allows you to learn about Modern Physics and test your knowledge of Physics by answering the test questions on Modern Physics.

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