
Electric Field of Dipole Calculator

In the domain of physics, specifically electrodynamics, the concept of the electric field of a dipole plays a critical role. An electric dipole is a pair of equal and opposite point charges separated by a distance. The study of the electric field due to such a dipole provides insights into the nature of electromagnetic interactions and is fundamental to the fields of electronics, molecular physics, and quantum mechanics.

Electric Field due to Dipole at Specified Point Calculator
Electric Field of Dipole Calculator Results
Electric Field (E) =

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Example Formula

The electric field E due to a dipole at a point located at a distance r from the dipole and making an angle θ with the dipole moment is given by the equation:

E = (1 / (4πε0)) × ((2p cos θ) / r3 + (p sin θ) / r2)
  1. E: This symbol represents the electric field at the point of interest.
  2. p: This is the dipole moment, calculated as the product of the magnitude of one of the charges and the distance between the charges.
  3. r: This is the distance from the dipole to the point of interest.
  4. θ: This is the angle between the dipole moment and the line connecting the point to the dipole.
  5. ε0: This is the permittivity of free space, a constant approximately equal to 8.85 × 10-12 C2/N m2.

Who wrote/refined the formula

The concept of the electric dipole was refined by multiple physicists over the centuries, but it was Michael Faraday's experiments with electromagnetism that paved the way for understanding the behavior of electric fields around dipoles. The formula itself is a derivative of Coulomb's law applied to the dipole system.

Real Life Application

In real-world applications, dipoles and their electric fields are foundational to the operation of many modern technologies. For example, dipole antennas are used extensively in broadcasting to transmit and receive radio waves. In molecular physics, the understanding of dipoles is crucial in explaining how molecules interact with each other.

Key individuals in the discipline

Key contributors to this discipline include Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, who established Coulomb's law of electrostatics, and Michael Faraday, whose experiments in electromagnetism laid the groundwork for understanding electric fields, including those of dipoles.

Interesting Facts

  1. The concept of the electric dipole is used in many everyday applications, from the antennas used for television and radio broadcasting to the functioning of microwave ovens.
  2. The understanding of dipoles and their electric fields has enabled technological advancements in telecommunications and information technology, drastically transforming the way we communicate and share information.
  3. The study of electric fields has also revolutionized the field of medical imaging. For instance, the technology of MRI scanners operates on principles related to electric fields and dipoles.


The concept of the electric field of a dipole is a fundamental aspect of electrodynamics and is pivotal in our understanding of electromagnetic phenomena. This knowledge has facilitated the development of a broad range of modern technologies, from broadcasting and telecommunications to medical imaging technologies, underscoring its importance in shaping the modern world.

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