The Electric Field in Terms of Gauss Law Calculator will calculate the:
Calculator Settings: Medium is considered as uniform.
The electric field at a certain distance from a long wire in terms of linear charge density and Gauss Law is V/m [Volt per metre] |
The electric field in terms of surface charge density is V/m [Volt per metre] |
Electric field produced by a charged conducting wire calculation |
E = λ/2π × r × ϵ0 E = /(2 × ) × × E = /(2 × ) × × E = / × × E = / E = |
Electric field produced by a charged sphere calculation |
E = σ/ϵ0 E = /0 E = |
Electric Field In Terms Of Gauss Law Calculator Input Values |
Linear charge density of conducting wire (λ) C/m [Coulomb per metre] |
Surface charge density of sphere (σ) C/m2 [Coulomb per square metre] |
Distance from the conducting wire (r) m [metre] |
Electric constant (vacuum permittivity) (ϵ0) C2/N∙m2 |
Archimedes constant (π) |
Please note that the formula for each calculation along with detailed calculations are available below. As you enter the specific factors of each electric field in terms of gauss law calculation, the Electric Field In Terms Of Gauss Law Calculator will automatically calculate the results and update the Physics formula elements with each element of the electric field in terms of gauss law calculation. You can then email or print this electric field in terms of gauss law calculation as required for later use.
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The following Physics tutorials are provided within the Electrodynamics section of our Free Physics Tutorials. Each Electrodynamics tutorial includes detailed Electrodynamics formula and example of how to calculate and resolve specific Electrodynamics questions and problems. At the end of each Electrodynamics tutorial you will find Electrodynamics revision questions with a hidden answer that reveals when clicked. This allows you to learn about Electrodynamics and test your knowledge of Physics by answering the test questions on Electrodynamics.
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