
Critical Frequencies Measurement Calculator

Understanding and measuring critical frequencies in materials is a significant aspect of acoustics and materials science, subfields of Physics. Critical frequencies can be understood as the natural resonant frequencies at which a material or system will vibrate. In this article, we will learn about the calculations and formulas associated with critical frequencies measurements, based on the speed of sound, thickness of the panel, density of the panel, and Young's modulus.

Coincidence Frequency Measurement Calculator
Critical Frequencies Measurement Calculator Results
Coincidence frequency = Hz

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Example Formula

The formula used to calculate the critical frequencies, or resonant frequencies of a panel is given by:

f = (1 / 2π) × √((Y × d) / (ρ × h2))


  1. f: critical or resonant frequency (Hz)
  2. Y: Young's modulus of the panel material (Pa)
  3. d: Density of the panel (kg/m3)
  4. ρ: Speed of sound in the material (m/s)
  5. h: Thickness of the panel (m)

Who wrote/refined the formula

The formula for calculating resonant frequencies has been developed and refined by numerous physicists over the years. However, the fundamental principles for this equation are rooted in the work of Robert Hooke, who established Hooke's Law, and Thomas Young, who introduced Young's modulus. The topic is relevant not just in Physics, but also in Engineering, particularly in the design and testing of acoustic materials and devices.

Real Life Application

One real-life application of critical frequencies measurements is in the design and testing of soundproofing materials. By understanding the critical frequencies of different materials, engineers can create soundproofing solutions that are particularly effective at dampening specific frequencies. This has significant applications in fields such as construction and automotive manufacturing.

Key individuals in the discipline

Thomas Young (1773-1829), a polymath with contributions across various disciplines, introduced the concept of Young's modulus, a measure of the stiffness of a material. Robert Hooke (1635-1703), another key figure, established Hooke's Law, which forms the basis for understanding material deformation under stress, a concept closely related to the measurement of critical frequencies.

Interesting Facts

  • The measurement of critical frequencies is crucial in many fields, including audio engineering, where it helps in designing speakers and microphones, and aerospace engineering, where it's used in the analysis of structural integrity of aircrafts.
  • Understanding critical frequencies has revolutionized the way buildings and cars are designed, leading to significantly quieter environments.
  • Measurement of critical frequencies contributes to the field of materials science by helping in the development of advanced materials with customizable acoustic properties.


Understanding critical frequencies and their measurements are an integral part of acoustics and materials science. It's fascinating to see how these concepts, rooted in fundamental physics, have far-reaching implications across various industries, improving the design of buildings, cars, and even aerospace vehicles. This understanding further reinforces the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge and its applications in real-world problem solving.

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